KFC employee opportunities

The University of Wollongong has partnered with KFC to support employees, franchisees and franchisee employees to complete a postgraduate qualification in Business.

Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong is part of the Faculty of Business and Law.

We offer a range of postgraduate business courses delivered from Wollongong, Sydney and online.

A postgraduate qualification will allow you to:           

  • Develop transferable skills that will contribute to your future career
  • Strengthen and diversify your existing skill base learnt through your professional experience
  • Formalise your professional experience through a postgraduate qualification   

KFC study options

Not sure where to start or what suits you? Look at our Graduate Certificate in Business

This degree is a stepping stone and starts with a transition support subject to help get you back into studying or if you know what you're after go straight to our postgraduate degree section.

The Graduate Certificate in Business is for those who want to advance their career, formalise their industry experience or up-skill and move into a business-focused role within their field. This course covers key business areas including accounting, financial management, organisational behavior and marketing management.

How it works

You will enrol into the Graduate Certificate in Business program and first undertake the transition support subject on-line with other KFC staff. Following this, you will complete the remainder of the subjects in the program via any available delivery mode (face to face, distance, or online) with students from outside KFC so you can learn new ideas from other organisations and sectors to improve your professional development.

Course Structure

You'll study MARK804 - Principles of Marketing Management – (Transition supported Subject specific for KFC staff)  in regularly scheduled virtual classes with other KFC staff. This Subject will have specific focus on supporting students that haven’t studied at university before and aid your successful transition into Postgraduate Study at University level.

This subject is an introductory marketing course. Through online and interactive learning, you will explore the major conceptual and theoretical principles of marketing. After successful completion of MARK804, you will be able to apply logical, critical and creative thinking and judgement to generate appropriate solutions to problems for relevant audiences in a business environment.

Remainder of subjects (Completed via any available delivery mode as remote, online or face to face): 

Key Dates -  Trimester 1

  • Orientation - 3-5 February, 2025
  • Session  Commence - 10 February, 2025
  • Session Finish - 2 May, 2025


  • Full Fee - $16,344
  • Commonwealth Support Place Fee - $8,496

You can choose to either pay this upfront, or if you are eligible, you can defer your payment via a HECS Loan. This is a government loan that can be paid off over time.

^Total indicative course tuition fees shown is for a commonwealth support place. These fees are based on normal course length and progression and are subject to change from year to year. For up to date information on course structure and fees, refer to the UOW Course Handbook.

Enquire now

Students looking to apply follow enquiring with us, will be required to supply a privacy consent form as part of their application so Sydney Business School, UOW can validate employment. See our Privacy Consent form

Sydney Business School and KFC have partnered to provide a suite of courses for you to study and progress your career in Business Administration, Human Resource Management or Project Management and Leadership. 

In addition to these, we have a range of courses in various disciplines for you to study as well, see our range of courses

We offer three intakes per year and courses are formatted and scheduled to fit in with your professional commitments. Some classes are offered on a weekly basis throughout the day or evening, while others run in intensive mode over the weekend to minimise time away from other responsibilities. You can choose to either study on campus or online.

Need some more information or ready to apply? See below.  

Enquire now or Apply now