At Sydney Business School, we understand the value of your previously completed studies or professional memberships towards your postgraduate education. We have credit arrangements in place to recognise this, and allow you to finish your degree in less time.
Formal credit arrangements for future students
We offers two formal types of credit arrangements through
- Articulation arrangements enable students to progress from a completed qualification with credit into a defined qualification pathway.
- Credit transfer arrangements provide students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications
UOW's Credit for Prior Learning Policy will help you to understand the requirements in relation to the granting of credit for prior learning.
Package offers
When you receive your UOW offer letter, you may have a package offer with a Graduate Certificate and Masters qualification.
The articulation arrangements in place between these two courses will allow you to progress from your completed graduate certificate qualification with credit for prior leaning for the subjects that you studied in your Graduate Certificate. In addition, you will have an opportunity to confer both qualifications which means you will graduate with two degrees.
Credit for prior learning
We recommend you apply for credit at the time you apply for admission to the University.
You can request to be assessed for based on following:
- Credit based on previous undergraduate studies
The outcomes of your request will be stated on your course offer letter.
You may be granted specified credit with reference to exact subjects when near exact equivalence to a UOW course can be demonstrated or unspecified credit, when an exact or near exact equivalence cannot be demonstrated. Unspecified credit is also granted for elective courses.
The Course Handbook for the course you are studying will help you to understand the remaining subjects in your course or you can seek advice from your Head of Students.
If you are a currently studying a postgraduate Business course and interested in changing courses, we encourage you to speak to your Head of Students.
Students who are considering adding a second qualifications as part of two masters in two years, are encouraged to meet with Head of Students to discuss credit arrangements and study sequences.
You can request to be assessed for credit for prior learning, you will need to complete the credit for prior learning form(s) and include your documentation.
- Credit based on previous undergraduate studies
- Articulation arrangements between Masters courses
- Partner institution Formal credit for prior learning arrangements
- Professional Associations
Students who have completed a Bachelor's degree in a Business or Commerce related area^, may be granted up to 24 credit points (4 subjects) towards a postgraduate Master's degree. Meaning you could complete your Master's degree in just 1 year.
Credit recognition on the basis of prior completed undergraduate studies can be approved for core subjects for the following courses:
Enrolled course |
Credit recognition approved core subjects |
Master of Business Master of Business Analytics Master of Human Resource Management Master of Innovation & Entrepreneurship Master of International Business Master of Management Master of Marketing Master of Project Management |
Master of Financial Management |
Master of Supply Chain Management ^ Student has completed a bachelor’s degree in a Logistics, Supply Chain Management or a related area |
Plus 12 Credit Points (2 subjects) of 800-level elective subjects. |
To view subject, visit the course handbook
Please see articulation arrangements between Masters courses at UOW.
You can view our current agreements / credit precedents. If you can't see your previous institution or course, you may still be eligible for credit, and can submit an application for assessment.
Credit arrangement
All members who meet specified criteria for each organisation below may be given credit towards their postgraduate studies.
Australian Institute of Company Directors
On successful completion of the Company Directors Course Diploma, eligible students may receive one 900 level subject (six unspecified credit points) credit transfer towards the Master of Business Administration or Master of Business Administration (Advanced):
Members to the professional bodies list below are eligible to receive credit based on the status of their membership; details of credit awarded will be provided on the offer letter.
Members of Professional Accounting Bodies
- Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA)
- Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA)
- Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA)
- Hong Kong Society of Accounting (HKSA)
Credit recognition on the basis of membership may be granted MBA901 in the Master of Business Administration or Master of Business Administration (Advanced) only.
Governance Institute of Australia
On completion of the Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance, Graduate Diploma of Applied Risk Management and Corporate Governance or Graduate Certificate of Applied Risk Management, eligible students may receive credit transfer towards the Master of Business Administration or Master of Business Administration (Advanced).
For further details on credit per course, please view the Governance Institute of Australia credit exemption (credit transfer) summaries.
Leadership Illawarra Program
Leadership Illawarra Program participants can apply for credit for subjects in designated postgraduate degree programs offered by the Sydney Business School, UOW within 5 years of completing the Leadership Illawarra Program, if they:
1) attend the Magic of Marketing and/or Leadership Master Classes; and
2) successfully complete the assessment tasks or projects associated with these subjects within 2 months of the Master Class taking place.
This does not apply to any other Master Class or Workshop included in the Leadership Illawarra Program.