Gain Australian work experience
GWP 900: International Workplace Practice is a six credit point subject designed for international students looking to enhance their employment prospects in Australia. Students will learn how to market themselves for success, and will also learn about Australian workplace culture and professional expectations in a business environment. Students will also have the option to source their own internship or may be eligible for a post-session internship on completion of the subject.
Discover more about GWP 900Hi my name is Anna Lynch and I'm a career consultant here at the University of Wollongong I'm also a lecturer of GWP 900 otherwise known as International Workplace Practice. Now GWP 900 is a practical and informative six credit point subject designed specifically for international MBA students just like yourself.
We've had many students over the years who've participated in this subject and we've included their feedback on our website for you to take a look at so that you can see what value they've got out of the subject. Now GWP 900 is designed to prepare you for sourcing and securing employment here in Australia and it includes many many interactive activities to give you the confidence and the ability to do so.
Understanding who you are, what you have to offer, what employers are looking for and also how you can promote yourself for success or integral to this subject. GW p900 can help you with this and so much more.
If you'd like more information about this subject you can of course look on the website or you can come and attend one of our information sessions or you can send me an email that the GWP inquiries email address and I'll be happy to help you I really look forward to meeting you bye for now.