Innovation Campus Tenant Discount

The Innovation Campus has a partnership in place with Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong to support tenants to pursue their own and encourage their staff’s professional development with postgraduate business studies.

Innovation Campus Tenant and their Employees can get a 10% tenant discount towards a postgraduate qualification in Business.

Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong is the graduate school of the Faculty of Business and Law.

SBS UOW offer a range of postgraduate business courses delivered from Wollongong, Sydney and online.

A postgraduate qualification will allow you to:           

  • Develop transferable skills that will contribute to the future workforce
  • Strengthen and diversify your existing skill base learnt through your professional experience
  • Formalise your professional experience through a postgraduate qualification

The discount rate applies only to tuition fees for the course and not to the Student Service and Amenities Fee. ยท Commonwealth Supported places are not eligible for the Tenant Discount.

Business Administration (Executive) courses are not normally eligible for the Tenant Discount. However, for students commencing their Master of Business Administration (Executive) in Trimester 1 2022 SBS UOW will provide this discount..

Postgraduate degrees

Master of Applied Finance (Financial Services)
Study area(s): Finance
Duration: 1-1.5 years full-time, or part-time equivalent

Master of Applied Finance (Investing and Financial Services)
Study area(s): Finance
Duration: 2 years full-time, 4 years part-time

Master of Applied Finance (Investing)
Study area(s): Finance
Duration: 1-1.5 years full-time, or part-time equivalent

Master of Business
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent); or 2 years if combined with another master's program from an approved list

Master of Business Analytics
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent); or 2 years if combined with another master's program from an approved list

Master of Financial Management
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent); or 2 years if combined with another master's program from an approved list

Master of Human Resource Management
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent); or 2 years if combined with another master's program from an approved list

Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent); or 2 years if combined with another master's program from an approved list

Master of International Business
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent); or 2 years if combined with another master's program from an approved list

Master of Management
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent); or 2 years if combined with another master's program from an approved list

Master of Marketing
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent); or 2 years if combined with another master's program from an approved list

Master of Professional Accounting
Study area(s): Accountancy
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent)

Master of Professional Accounting Advanced
Study area(s): Accountancy
Duration: 2 years full-time, or part-time equivalent

Master of Project Management
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent); or 2 years if combined with another master's program from an approved list

Master of Supply Chain Management
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1.5 years full-time (or part-time equivalent); or 2 years if combined with another master's program from an approved list

Master of Business Administration - MBA
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 1-1.5 years full-time, or part-time equivalent

Master of Business Administration (Executive) - EMBA
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 2 years part-time

Master of Business Administration Advanced
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 2 years full-time, or part-time equivalent


Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 4 trimesters full-time or part-time equivalent


Graduate Certificate in Applied Finance
Study area(s): Business, Finance
Duration: 2 trimesters full-time or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Business (Online Delivery available)
Study area(s): Business, International Business, Logistics/Supply Chain Management
Duration: 2 trimesters full-time or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 2 Trimesters full-time or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (Executive) 
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 2 Trimesters full-time or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Business Analytics
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 6 months full-time or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing and Data Analytics

Study area(s): Business, Marketing
Duration: 2 trimesters full-time, or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Forensic Accounting

Study area(s): Accounting
Duration: 2 trimesters full-time, or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management

Study area(s): Human Resource Management
Duration: 2 trimesters full-time, or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Study area(s): Business
Duration: 2 trimesters full-time, or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Marketing
Study area(s): Business, Marketing
Duration: 2 trimesters full-time, or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting
Study area(s): Accounting
Duration: 2 trimesters full-time, or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Project Leadership and Management
Study area(s): Business, Management
Duration: 2 trimesters full-time, or part-time equivalent

Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Study area(s): Business, Logistics/Supply Chain Management
Duration: 2 trimesters full-time, or part-time equivalent



How to apply

Complete the form below

Tenant Employee Discount Form

Next steps 
  1. Use the UOW APPLY ONLINE portal to submit your postgraduate course application.
  2. In the Employment Details section of the UOW Apply Online portal attach
    • Completed Tenant Employee Discount Form
    • A letter from your employer confirming:
      • that your principal place of work is located at the Innovation Campus, Squires Way, North Wollongong,
      • your employment duration, and
      • position details. Note: This letter must include the position title, telephone number and email address for a contact at your Employer who is a Tenant at the Innovation Campus.
  3. UOW will validate your eligibility for the course and validate your entitlement to the discount.
  4. If your postgraduate course application is successful, the University of Wollongong will issue you with an offer to study at the Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong and if you are eligible for the Tenant Discount the University of Wollongong will apply the Tenant Discount to your tuition fees for the course.
  5. You will be billed by the University of Wollongong in accordance with standard student billing procedures and are responsible to arrange payments in accordance with any required timeframes.

Need more information

contact us if you have any questions