Research and consultancy reports

Our academics work with businesses to think like entrepreneurs, and overhaul their business model. We use design thinking to improve service delivery. We have helped create new building materials, improve ethics and governance practices, leverage data analytics to improve performance, and develop organisational and branding strategies.

Our academics come from a world of business, mixed with the latest insights from cutting-edge research. This is coupled with growing awareness and commitment to doing business in more socially responsible ways, creating positive social impact and making a difference to the lives of some of society’s most vulnerable populations.

Research at your fingertips

Academic research

Work with leading experts in their fields to dig deep into seemingly intractable problems to deliver solutions with measurable impacts and improvements.

Postgraduate research

Have postgraduate students undertake a real-world project with your organisation, during which time they will diagnose underlying issues and make strategic recommendations for your business.

Innovative ideas and new perspectives

It has been a pleasure reviewing the Masters Students’ reports and very interesting to read their conclusions. All of the reports will be a benefit to Greenacres Disability Services (GDS), with their innovative ideas and new perspectives. Susan Burns General Manager, Quality and Special Projects GDS

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